Thursday, April 2, 2009


March 20th


Here are some reviews of my Favourite and Least Favourite foods

Yogurt: Awesome. I prefer eating fruit at the botttom, and eating all the yogurt and then all the fruit. As a wise person once said, it’s like having two snacks in one. Also, if you are in Sweden, and all you have is some granola cereal and strawberry yogurt, that can go a long way. Still, I don’t buy yogurt and eat it as often as I’d like, because I can’t decide between individual sized and big sized, and then I forget about it and leave it in the fridge. A-

Raisin Bread: The best. Sometimes I just eat a few slices of raisin bread, and it hits the spot. When I moved from Walmer Rd to Crawford St, I went trough a few days when I just carried a loaf of raisin bread around with me for sustenance, because I never knew where my next meal was going to come from. Those were heady days. A

Swiss Chalet Quarter Chicken Dinner: Also the best. Every time we celebrated something growing up, our family would go to Swiss Chalet. The reason? It tastes great. A+

Mustard Ugh! The worst F

Green Peppers Bleeeech F

Red Peppers Ugggggh F

Any Peppers Deeesgusting F

Things I didn’t like as a kid but I like now: Mushrooms, broccoli, Salsa, Indian food, Chinese Food, Thai food., the skin of a baked potato (I was so wrong about that!)

Things that I officially do not like but I eat things with them in it and like it all the time: Mayonaisse, Cream Cheese, Sour Cream

Dill Pickles Krista loves dill pickles and eats them out of the jar. That is super gross. I like sweet pickles, but dill pickles are all blecchy and briny. FFF

Poutine I love poutine, especailly in theory, and then when I eat it I usually feel bad inside. We are going to a poutinerie for my birthday this year. B+

McDonalds Chicken Nuggets A Big Mac D- (no meat, all lettuce and bun) Angus Burger C

Zucchini The king of the green vegetables B+

Spaghetti Delicious, I like how my mom makes it with nice meat sauce. A+

Pizza Cowabunga! A

Anything my mother-in-law Barb makes So good. Table-groaning feasts every time. Then sleepiness. A+

Apples My mom used to give me apple skins as a kid when she was peeling apples. So good! I like to eat all the skin of an apple first, and then move on the the fleshy insides. A

My favourite fake flavours: 1. banana 2. cherry 3. Apple cinnamon 4. Strawberry. Last: Blueberry I don’t know, it doesn’t work for me.

Stouffers Lasagna The only frozen meal that deserves to be called Gourmet A-

A couple of fresh buns, a bag of baby carrots and a thing of hummus is sometimes what I have for dinner. A-

Hamburger Helper You know what I’m talking about!!!! It’s a special day when I make Hamurger Helper. A

Slushies Once I was in a Slushie Club as co-president Sir Slush-a-lot. My co-president was George W. Slush. I think that joke has some mileage. B+ (but on a really hot day, A)

Preferred Beers: Rickards Red or white, sleemans, creemores, Waterloo Dark.

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